Leave no stone dime unturned.
“If you say that you will leave no stone unturned, you are emphasizing that you will try every way you can think of in order to achieve what you want.” ~ Collins Dictionary.
Being focused on handling our finances using the approach of A Dime at a Time, I prefer my version of this old saying! For years now, I have done a lot of blog reading related to frugality. Add watching YouTube to the mix, and that is a whole lot of frugality!
Lately, and seemingly more so on YouTube, the topic of “frugality overload” seems to be quite prevalent. Having yet to experience such a thing, I don’t quite understand it! I love finding and trying out new ideas to stretch our budget. Although I do grumble (a lot) about the ridiculous inflation we are experiencing, oddly, I also think of it as a challenge.
Perhaps I am looking at “frugality overload” all wrong. I think we all have different levels of frugality. One example would be our boat. Yes, we have one, and even with the rising cost of fuel, come this summer, we will still use it. No doubt there would be some people who would leave it parked on the boat trailer, all to save on fuel. Likely an extremely frugal person wouldn’t own a boat in the first place!
For me, being frugal is about finding a balance. I’m only guessing that is why I’ve yet to experience any sense of overload. Hubs, on the other hand, experiences frugality overload frequently. On more than one occasion, Hubs has commented, “Can we ever quit being (or talking about) frugality?” Sorry, Hubs, I don’t see that happening. We all have subjects we are passionate about, and this just so happens to be mine! Usually, all it takes is pointing out that we have much to be thankful for, and we do indeed have a balance. Thankfully (and also for me), this gives him a temporary pause to frugality overload!
So now I’m curious. Do you, your spouse, significant other, or children ever feel frugality overload? Do you get tired of watching your dimes, or is frugality something that you, too, enjoy?