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Dear Side Hustle, I quit.

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I’ve made the mistake/ had the good fortune of surrounding myself with people who side hustle.
I’m pretty sure everyone wants more income. I love income. BRING ON THE INCOME. And these side hustles are extra income. Tell me more.
Side hustling can be inspiring. There is a big world of money outside of w-2 employment. So much that can be done on the side, in the after hours or on the weekend. Side hustles can fill a passion that isn’t fulfilled at a main job. Side hustles can provide an outlet.
I have a side hustle. For many years, I did it for free. I did it because I love it. It was and always has been a labor of love. Then I learned I could make extra side money from the exact same activity, simply by offering my services to different places. Wow! Money! For years, I hustled between several companies. I was still as passionate and thrilled to be making money doing what I love. Yay side hustling.
Then things started to changed. My physical well being suffered. I routinely got hurt during my side hustle (cuts, bruises, pretty nasty frost bite). As someone who doesn’t heal very well, these wounds got more and more frustrating The pay became more difficult to get – the rates were fine, but I had to jump through every imaginable hoop to get paid. The job got more annoying. The days were more and more disorganized- never the right equipment, wildly inaccurate time estimates. Then Management changed and basically said a Big FU to all of us.
I could see the writing on the wall. It was time to walk away. Emotionally, I was okay with that. Financially, it was fine. I didn’t love it anymore. In fact, I hated it and told everyone I could that I need to stop doing it ASAP
But I still had the hustle in me. I felt I needed to be doing a little extra on the side, to make a little more. I spun my wheels for weeks, months (quarters??) thinking about what idea I could turn into a little money on the side.
Then I was punched in the face with reality. .. Why does my hustle need to be on the side?
I have this big girl corporate job that pays pretty well. With an extra certification and/or bomb.com performance reviews, I could easily out earn my side hustle income. I was drawn to all these side hustle ideas that I neglected the thought that my main hustle could be an even better paying hustle if I gave it all I had. I feel a bit stupid that I didn’t see the truth sooner.
So to my side hustle, I say, I quit. I quit for now, and maybe forever. I need to focus on my w-2.
Aint no shame in that w-2 main hustle.


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